I backpacked this trail as part of a group in February, 1996. It wasn’t cold that weekend. But I do remember that this was a tough trail. There were lots of ups and downs. The campground facilities at the Manor Area Campground were decent. You share portions of this trail with bicyclists so be aware. Most bike riders will either say “On your left!”, ring a bell or yell before they pass you. Some won’t. So be prepared to step off of the trail, especially on the southern portion of this trail, to let bicyclists pass.
There are a lot of side trails on the southern half of this trail. I remember that we took a few wrong turns and had to backtrack. And they do lock the parking lot at the southern terminus at dusk so be sure to not get your vehicle locked in.
Please stay on the trail. Especially within Catoctin Mountain Park. The presidential retreat Camp David is within this park. If you stray too far off of the trail you will probably be approached by those that protect this compound. Gathering data on this trail was not easy. While I can verify that the northern terminus, the Manor Area Campground and the southern terminus are correct, I had to rely on my memory for some of the other distances. So while they are all close, some points may not be exact. Therefore I am not responsible for any mishaps that you may encounter on this trail.
Also, if you are going to thru hike, section hike or even day hike this trail, please buy the maps and guidebooks from
This was a tough trail. But I’m glad that I got this one done.